Myths, legends, stories. They are all words for facts that people have forgotten. A stormhound from Odin’s Wild Hunt falling out of the sky and landing in Abergavenny made me smile every time I heard about it. Despite my towering TBR pile, therefore, I picked this up as soon as it was released and it…
New Maverick Early Readers Released
Regular readers will recall that I blogged about the brilliant Maverick Early Readers in November last year (here). My son – Hugo – is notoriously picky when it comes to reading: he is completely turned-off by school readers, predominantly due to their relatively lacklustre content and formulaic text, and is only interested in books that…
On the Origin of Species retold by Sabina Radeva
Regular visitors to the blog will know that we do love a bit of non-fiction in the Merry Bookworm household, and this recently-published retelling of Charles Darwin’s On the Origins of Species is rather special in our view. Sabina Radeva is both an illustrator and a molecular biologist and has thus combined her 2 loves…
The Adventures of Miss Charlotte by Dominique Demers
My daughter is a ‘free reader’ at school. However, as she is quite young, she doesn’t have a long attention span and still loves illustrations, so I am always on the lookout for books that are not too lengthy and that will encourage reading for pleasure. I only came across these books recently: I was…
The Girl With the Shark’s Teeth by Cerrie Burnell
‘In the deepest dark, you must be the light’ As some of you will know, Cerrie Burnell has been an author of picture books and young fiction for some time and is a real advocate for inclusion. We were thus expecting good things about her first foray into middle grade fiction – The Girl With…
The Boy at the Back of the Class by Onjali Q Rauf
I first heard of The Boy at the Back of the Class when it was recommended on Twitter by Lisa Thompson – the fab author of The Light Jar and The Day I was Erased – and as the storyline intrigued me, I decided to buy a copy. For some reason, though, it sat on…
The Day I Was Erased by Lisa Thompson
For the last 3 years, I’ve really loved New Year as it has meant a new release from the fab author, Lisa Thompson. She’s the sort of author I would have loved to have read when I was younger, as she focuses on real-life, often gritty, issues. The Day I was Erased is no exception……
The North Police Series by Scott Sonneborn
At Christmas, it can often be a struggle to encourage those learning to read to keep at it during the school holidays, particularly if they are not fond of school readers. You might find, however, that these books help. The North Police series has been aligned to the book-banded system: the books are marked as…
Shifty McGifty and Slippery Sam – Jingle Bells! by Tracey Corderoy and Steven Lenton
If you haven’t come across Shifty McGifty and Slippery Sam before, they are 2 loveable baker dogs who love to solve madcap mysteries on the side! This 2-colour fiction edition has 3 stories in it, the first of which has a festive feel as Shifty and Sam have been commissioned by Santa to bake him…
Favourite Festive Picture Books
To my mind, there is something very special about festive reads – while the children clearly don’t need any help to get excited, I find that snuggling down with the kids to share a Christmas story actually helps me to be a little less scrooge-like! While most book blogs tend to focus on new festive…