Our Half Term holiday starts today, which will look very different this year due to the various lockdown restrictions. My kids are off for a fortnight and so today is all about amassing bookish and crafty activities to keep them amused (and with the vain hope of keeping screen time down). I bought this set of Quest Adventure books over a year ago (12 in the set) and both children love working through them – sometimes with adult help, sometimes on their own. They are a similar concept to ‘create your own path’ stories, but rather than choosing a scenario to take you to the next part of the story, you have to answer a question, so there’s lots of learning by stealth going on. The set includes science, history and maths-themed books – some are more challenging than others – and they all have really interesting questions an fab, graphic-style layouts. To be honest, my husband and I joke that we have learned just as much from these as the children, and the kids have taken (not so) quiet delight in finding out that Mum and Dad don’t always know the answers! The books are UK Key Stage 2 (around 8 – 11); however, they will definitely engage a younger audience if you go through the multiple choice questions together.
As I took the set off the shelf to photograph it, my son immediately commented how much he likes these and came over for a browse before wandering off with a book in hand. A good reminder for a tidy freak like me to ensure that I leave plenty of books lying around rather than constantly re-shelving them…
Quest Adventure Series
Publisher: QED Publishing (imprint of Quarto)
ISBN: 9781912013319