I regularly rave about the Maverick Early Reader scheme as it had such a massive impact on my son’s reading journey. Written in natural English and book-banded in line with The Institute of Education’s banding system, these stories are entertaining, engaging and fabulously illustrated – just the ticket for encouraging children to read for pleasure while they are learning to read, which I feel is so important. There are over 200 fiction and factual books in the range now, and as a big bonus, if you log on to http://www.maverickearlyreaders.com/classroom-support/activity-packs/ you’ll find a plethora of additional free resources for many of the books, which massively increase the bang for your buck – or should that be book? ?? (an photo of the various activity sheets is below). There’s also free audio downloads available for all the books and free videos for books in pink – blue bands.
Even though my children are now of junior age, they have really enjoyed reading these latest stories, immediately spotting some of their favourite Maverick authors (Jenny Jinks, in particular, is always very popular in our house!). It just demonstrates that great storytelling has no age boundaries.
A big thank you to Kate at Maverick Arts Publishing for sending a selection of new books across to us. Perfect for home, homeschooling and classrooms, I really can’t rate this reading scheme highly enough.