If, like me, you’ve internally cringed when a youngster has repeatedly asked ‘why?’, then you definitely need this rhyming picture book in your life!
While out on a walk, Dad is very pleased with himself after explaining to his daughter how a rainbow is made, but when she continually responds with ‘why?’ after every explanation, he gets more and more apprehensive. Will the questions ever come to an end?!
It’s funny, isn’t it? We all want children to be curious and interested in the world around us, but there’s no doubt that the constant cries of ‘why?’ often fill us with dread! This is exactly what this book reflects. It’s been very cleverly put together – the author deserves a pat on the back for the rhyming explanations alone – and he provides increasingly complex, scientific explanations for rainbow formation as the story progresses. I must confess that I intend to file these away for when my kids next ask me about rainbows ?.
As well as a funny storyline that will entertain both adults and children, the book’s illustrations are just lovely: bright, bold, rainbow-coloured spreads, which really make the story pop. I like the illustration on the last page in particular: after Dad finally sates his daughter’s thirst for knowledge, the young girl excitedly spots an apple falling from a tree, and Dad’s face is priceless!
Big thanks to Maverick for gifting us a copy of this super book. Why? is published on 28 October, but it’s available for pre-order now. I’ve included some links here to help:
Waterstones: https://www.waterstones.com/book/why/billy-dunne/rhys-jefferys/9781848864870
Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/1848864876?pf_rd_r=2SFPTAGYPEQJ1P3DAXTC&pf_rd_p=e632fea2-678f-4848-9a97-bcecda59cb4e
HIVE, which supports indie booksellers, doesn’t yet have the book for pre-order, but I’ll include the link as soon as it appears on the website.
Why? A Sciency, Rhymey Guide to Rainbows (Paperback)
Author: Billy Dunne
Illustrator: Rhys Jefferys
Publisher: Maverick Arts Publishing
ISBN: 9781848864870
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